English in brief

Purpose and function

The purpose of Mahjong Finland ry is to aid the hobby of Mahjong in Finland and act as an intermediator and umbrella organization for all Finnish Mahjong clubs and organizations. The organization was founded on the 15th of April 2014. Its activities and operations started in fall 2015, and member organization cooperation first started in 2017.

Mahjong Finland is a member organization of EMA (European Mahjong Association). Mahjong Finland is responsible for certifying Finnish MFRS (Mahjong Finland Ranking System) and MERS (Mahjong Europe Ranking System) tournaments, and selects the players who represent Finland in European and World Championships.

Board of directors:

  • President: Konsta Lensu
  • Vice President: Anne-Mari Haapsamo
  • Secretary & Representative of Aalto Daigaku Maajanbu ry: Petteri Huuskonen
  • Treasurer & Representative of Mahjong-seura Kokushi ry: Henri Mäkelä
  • Representative of Mahjong-Seura Tenpai ry: Tommi Ikonen
  • Representative of Most Casual Mahjong Club ry: Henri Vataja
  • Representative of Yliopiston Anime ja Manga ry: Joni Jokinen

Performance auditors:

  • Main performance auditor: Yuanqi Shan
  • Vice performance auditor: Kristiina Kuusela

Other club representatives:

  • Representative of Nagashi ry: Eero Pihkala

Key points in brief:

  • Finnish Mahjong players almost exclusively play Japanese Riichi Mahjong. Mahjong Finland’s official tournament ruleset is the EMA RCR. Some clubs may use slightly different house rules.
  • A list of clubs in Finland can be found at http://www.mahjongfinland.fi/seurat/.
  • The tournament/event calendar can be found at http://www.mahjongfinland.fi/turnaukset/.
  • Mahjong Finland operates a ranking system for certified Finnish tournaments (MFRS). The system resembles the one used by EMA; essentially a weighted average of tournament results from the past three years. Anyone who participates in multiple MFRS-certified tournaments is automatically added to the ranking list. The rankings are used to determine representatives for major international competitions. The rankings can be found at http://www.mahjongfinland.fi/ranking/.


If you have any questions, you can contact us via email.

Website design by Einari Lavaste.

Mahjong Finland club map copy